Time for a new ceiling

A drywall lift is very fast and saves your back

and a way we go...

All the board hung and a first coat of mud

Wow, new drywall, stomp, can lights - what a difference!

I was so happy when I found this, I'm gonna frame it! YES!

New City Code requires ALL windows have to open

The view from the working end of the ladder

I just love new plumbing!

This here's whatcha use for ceramic tile removin

This here's whatcha get once you pull the trigger

And this here's what you want, a good blend of old and new

The warranty has expired on this old tub...

well, .... uum, yea, gross!

Same bath tub area in left pictures

Old stair treads...

... new stair treads

Looks like new!



Wow what a difference!

This was hand made with strips of oak wood - beautiful.

Another flooded basement due to tree roots

The iPaint brush 440




Who says I can''t paint?

What, I tried to stay within the lines

The best paint on the market!


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