Never too young to learn how to work!

I have a picture of her mom on the right working at the same age!

What was old...


... After now new!!!

I heard a very faint sizzling sound....

A burnt buss bar, a fire waiting to happen

Two days later - a new service!

One of my favorite tools - Dewalt SDS

Time for a new water meter, someone stole the last one

Hey.... I found out why the tub won't drain

Former management fix...

... putty, that will get the job done...

New baulsters - looking good!

I found the leak...

Former management fix - glue, yea right

So that's why we don't have hot water

So that's where the water was comming from

While I'm at it, I may as well change it all

Nothing like starting the morning at the top!

Time for new doors and windows at this project

Time to go...

Now that looks better

This tenant caulked all the windows shut!

Wow, what a difference new windows make

Another bucket load of approved smoke detectors being installed

More moving gifts from a prior tenant

Just one of those "special kinda days"

This is why we wear hats - cobweb catchers

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