What is that smell in the basement - oh I see now, raw sewage!

I found the problem under the concrete stairs

Problem solved

Furnace wont run - time for a new circut board

...and thermostat while we’re at it.

A new door closer will keep the cold and snow out

Squirrels - cute but destructive, after three attempts I installed aluminum fascia

Add jelly jar globe and this one passed Section 8 inspection!

Hmmm, what should we spend your deposit on... oh yea trash!

A broken GFCI - time for a new one

I thought it was - Keep Calm and Chive On?

A one-way Bat door - bye bye Mr. Bat!

Is finding a skull in the yard of the next project a good sign?

Well here we go again...

Polishing another turd

Can you see the potential?

Can you see the finished product at this point, we can!

This is the shower - can you see it?

Wow, time for a new whip!

Whoever installed this fascia, should be fired!

Apparently cleaning wasn't high on this families list

From a pile of sticks...

... to a wall that passes inspection

I see it snowed again last night

This ice must have weighed 400 lbs.

This ice tore the gutters off!

How many batteries does a person need?

This was the dirtiest furnace filter I've ever seen

A new hand rail that meets Code

Sorry, I try not to be......

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